真福電子股份有限公司 Trueful
本公司不斷電系統產品計有EPS,EPC,EPP,EPI,ESL,EFX, EPO及 EPD八大系列,範圍從280VA ~ 6KVA一應俱全,每項產品皆由研發團隊以最先進之技術觀念導入符合經濟效益之原理設計。
例如,微電腦程式控制(Microprocessor Control),完全高頻設計(High Frequency Technology),自我診斷測試功能(Self-Diagnostic)與穩壓設計(On Board AVR)等。由於產品結構設計之嚴謹,本公司產品亦已申請通過世界各國著名如TUV,CE與UL等安規認證。汐止區康寧街169巷29之1號11樓之2 Trueful Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in 1987 and has steadily grown into one of the leading Uninterruptible Power Supply, Programmable power supply, Inverter and SMR manufacturer and exporter in Taiwan. Trueful's employees are talented, disciplined, highly trained and always strive to achieve and exceed customer expectations. In 1996, we purchased and moved into a much larger space in Taipei's newest and most modern Industrial Park. Hence, it enables us triple production capacity and to meet ever increasing orders.
Our products offering consists of On-Line UPS, Off-Line UPS, Line-Interactive UPS & Disk Size UPS, ranging in size f
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